Helping People Avoid and Resolve Trust Disputes in Arizona
The Starr Law Firm, PLC, is an excellent resource for trustees and beneficiaries involved in disputes over Arizona trust instruments. I also provide comprehensive legal counsel and representation to settlors (sometimes called trustors) of trusts. If you need advice on any aspect of a trust dispute, please contact me, dedicated estate law attorney Brian S. Starr.
Offering Upfront Counsel to Protect Trustees From Liability
Especially when serving as a successor trustee after the death of the creator of a revocable living trust, a trustee might be unfamiliar with the duties and functions involved in the position. While most understand the general nature and scope of their fiduciary responsibilities, the details of asset management, accounting and reporting can present problems and create stress.
If you are acting as a trustee for the first time or have concerns about performing your duties in accordance with the law, it can be essential to hire an experienced Phoenix trust litigation lawyer with the knowledge to help you avoid allegations and liability involving issues such as:
- Breach of fiduciary duty
- Conflict of interest
- Waste or mismanagement of trust assets
- Misappropriation of trust assets
- Assessment of a surcharge as a result of damage to the trust
- Failure to make timely accounts or reports
- Replacement of the trustee
Applying substantial experience in trust administration and estate litigation, I can help trustees protect themselves from liability and find ways to resolve disputes on terms that are fair to all parties while protecting the value of trust assets.
Counsel and Representation for Trust Beneficiaries Throughout Arizona
Beneficiaries under the terms of a trust necessarily rely on the competence and honesty of others to enjoy the full benefit of their rights. When a trustee’s performance falls short of what’s required under the law, the beneficiaries are entitled to bring claims in probate court.
Pursuing trust litigation may help you recover losses due to waste, neglect, dishonesty or errors in the interpretation of the terms of a trust. I also represent beneficiaries with interests opposed to other beneficiaries, such as when some family members are entitled to the income of trust assets with the principal passing to remainder beneficiaries later on.
Whether representing the trustee or a beneficiary, I look for ways to resolve trust disputes while protecting the value of the assets at issue. After all, a victory in probate court is not worth much if the costs of trust litigation eat up too much asset value. My resourceful approach to trust litigation can also help clients resolve problems relating to title defects in trust assets, reformation of trust instruments, and the termination of trusts with final distribution.
Call 602-795-0700 Today for Advice About Trust Litigation
To learn more about my ability to help you protect your interests as a trustee or resolve a dispute that impacts your rights as a beneficiary, contact my law office today.